© 2025 TEW Design Studio

Elevate Your Space

In Love & Solidarity

Our hearts are heavy for the events that have taken place not just over the last few weeks, but for the last few decades. We are hurt to our core that in 2020, a social sickness of racism still persists, and saddened that we must scream #blacklivesmatter to be heard.


Such a strong statement that should not be taken for granted. We need to protect each other, listen to each other, and stand up for one another! We stand in solidarity and hear the voices of men and women of color. And we are committed to doing everything we can to lift you up.

We recognize it may be difficult continuing business-as-usual amidst what’s happening around our country. Yet, we are hopeful that ADL Embedded Solutions Inc. and this significant moment will bring real change. As a diverse team, we have always celebrated our differences and acknowledged the beauty in our mixed backgrounds and cultures. Our studio is proudly a safe space for any and all.

We want you to know that we are here for you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, whether you’re looking to elevate your space or just to talk.

With all our love & solidarity,

The TEWcrew

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